摘要: 朗明納斯深耕專業照明十二年,于去年高調進軍通用照明領域,在通用照明日趨激烈之際,朗明納斯未來有什么計劃?作為三安光電子公司之一,他們之間如何協作?朗明納斯全球營銷副總Mark Pugh和高級照明市場總監Tom Jory接受了阿拉丁新聞中心記者的采訪。
Alighting:How do you think about the China Market? what is the next plan of Luminus in China?
Tom Jory:China LED market is very important. Our products are produced in china and we sell them to Chinese factories, and we also export them to Japan, US, and Europe. China is the very important market for export products as well as the domestic used products.
As to the next plan, we are continue to grow the sales force, we are continue to grow our manufacturing here in China. Our factory locate in Xiamen and Shenzhen, where most of the world’s lighting products are produced. This is always going to be important geography for us to focus on. So we will continue to invest in China.
Tom Jory:中國是照明產業非常重要的市場,我們把產品銷往美國、歐洲、日本和中國,我們的產品在中國生產,同時,我們也把產品銷往中國廠家。中國是出口和內銷的重要生產基地。未來我們將持續投資中國市場,增強我們的生產能力和銷售團隊。
Alighting:What’s the future development of lighting industry?
Tom Jory:I think we continue to see more focus on the quality of light. Focus on creating new source of light that haven’t been possible with other lighting technologies. I think we will continue to put the light into the places where there hasn’t been light before. LED is so small, and can create so much light in small area, enable people to build luminaires and there are much small form factor, so I think where is light continue to show up in places where there wasn’t the light before.
Tom Jory:由于未來人們更關注光品質,專注于創造新的光源,我想未來人們將繼續致力于創新的技術和新的光源,將光引入到之前沒有實現光的地方。
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