摘要: 朗明納斯深耕專業照明十二年,于去年高調進軍通用照明領域,在通用照明日趨激烈之際,朗明納斯未來有什么計劃?作為三安光電子公司之一,他們之間如何協作?朗明納斯全球營銷副總Mark Pugh和高級照明市場總監Tom Jory接受了阿拉丁新聞中心記者的采訪。
Alighting:Better lighting quality and lower price is becoming more and more important for the end user market. As a LED package provider, How do Luminus deal with it?
Tom Jory:The key point is value. We keep reasonable price and deliver high quality of light at the meantime. Luminus has distinctive advantages as our parent company is Sanan. Sanan makes billions of LED chips every month, and sale them to all over the world. We have the priority to pick the best chips at low- cost and use them in our production. This allows us to maintain the price advantage at the same time produce high quality products.
Tom Jory:我認為這關乎產品的價值,我們的產品不僅保持高光品質,而且為客戶提供合理的價格。在這方面,Luminus具有得天獨厚的優勢,三安是我們的母公司,每月生產數十億LED芯片,并銷往世界各地。具有大規模生產優勢,可使產品的成本降至最低,而我們挑選三安光電最好的LED芯片,運用到我們的產品當中。所以我們不僅擁有高品質的產品,并保持較好的價格。
Alighting:There are many chip enterprises doing well in general lighting, including Sanan. Are there any competition between Luminus and Sanan?
Tom Jory:Sanan is chips maker and we are a package company, that means Sanan make chips and we put them into the special package. We are together on different point of the industry chain. Sanan is on the upstream making the chips and growing the epitaxy, and we take that chips making into beautiful LED for all the different applications.
Tom Jory:我們專注于不同的領域,三安是上游外延芯片,而我們專注于封裝領域,我們處于價值鏈的不同點,不會形成競爭。
Alighting:As we know, Luminus focus on specialty lighting over ten years, and expansion to general lighting last year. How does Luminus operate the general lighting? And how about the achievement?
Tom Jory:Luminus makes very high performance specialty products for the last 12 years, and we continue to leverage that technology in our COB and mid-power products, so we can make products with high density, excellent thermal management performance, high efficacy, and excellent quality of light. We also have expertise in the phosphor, which guarantee our high product performance.
Tom Jory:在過去的12年里,Luminus一直為客戶提供高品質高性能的專業照明產品,我們將繼續利用已有的技術優勢,運用到我們的COB和中功率產品中。
Alighting:With The development of diversified applications of LED(such as visible light communication, intelligent lighting, agricultural lighting, medical lighting, etc.), what are the special requirements for the LED chip? And what opportunities and challenges will lead to the chip enterprise?
Tom Jory:There is not one product works well in every application. The key point is the product is the most suitable one for the special application of the target market. Actually we are very successful in medical application, we are the special team LED products, as well as the projection, and also stage lighting for entertainment industry, lighting for TV studio, we are able to create the product for all these different segment in the lighting industry.
Smart lighting there isn’t any special for LEDs, other than there might be controllable so that you can change the color the LED, you can do things like change the color little bit make that more cooler and brighter, you can change the color a little bit, certainly we have the products can make that happen, but the smart lighting is all about controls, and the electronics of LED, and communication protocols they are using to send message to you light source. We have wifi, lifi, zigbee, Bluetooth, so many ways to communicate, but we stay away from that, we are focus on making the very best LEDs they can use in their products, but we don’t touch the communication sect, we leaving that to our customers.
Tom Jory:沒有任何一款產品在所有領域都表現很好。我認為關鍵是為特定領域提供最適合最好的產品。實際上,我們的產品在醫學、投影機和舞臺燈光等領域都應用得非常成功。我們會為特定的領域提供特殊要求的產品。
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