兆合智能照明以「Cubie系列軌道燈」榮獲2019德國紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award)。
Cubie系列為兆合智能照明2019年新產品,為市場上最創新專業級商業照明燈具,提供專業商業照明優質解決方案。面對市場上多樣的照明環境需求,兆合智能照明考慮不同的照明環境,以專業相機鏡頭為概念,設計一提供可替換式光引擎燈具,包含: 小中大角度定焦照明、洗墻照明、變焦鏡頭等照明引擎,無需工具即可輕松依據燈光設計規劃,調整出最符合要求的燈光情境,可以說是一項革命性的商業燈具產品。
此外, 「Cubie系列軌道燈」系列精致的燈具設計與優秀的光質量,針對商業空間、超市連鎖店、博物館及其他專業照明需求等應用提供更好的解決方案,讓消費者體驗舒適的照明環境,享受更無與倫比的照明體驗。此次兆合智能照明以優良的產品設計以及精致高質量的產品工藝,獲得2019 年紅點設計大獎評審一致肯定。
兆合智能照明股份有限公司—從傳統照明到LED照明,擁有30年照明相關研發經驗及優秀的ID設計能力,提供客戶優質照明解決方案。專注于建筑領域、商業空間、酒店、辦公室及居家照明等不同照明應用的技術研究及開發。始終相信創新才能帶來價值,并提供客戶提供優質且高質量的產品,致力成為業界領導品牌及指標。更多訊息請參照兆合智能照明官網: www.acofusion.com
紅點設計大獎是由德國著名設計協會Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen于1955年創立,藉由對產品設計,傳達設計以及設計概念的競賽,每年吸引了超過60個國家,1萬件作品投稿參賽。
Acofusion Lighting’s Cubie Track Light Series wins the 2019 Red Dot Award.
The Cubie’s Track Light Series - new released product of Acofusion - providing a better lighting solution for the commercial lighting applications.
The interplay of lightings and environments lends a room to its unique identity and atmosphere. The optimum spatial effects are depending on the properly brightness and a suitable light pattern. This will make the quality of the merchandise or objects tangible. The Cubie Track Light provides “tool-free”, “multiple beams “, “diverse pattern” for spot lighting , wall washing and more. People can easily change the light distribution by replacing the lighting engine without any tool. With our sophisticated mechanical design, it offers 15°. 24°. 36°, zoomable and wall washer beam options. The zoomable light beam diameter can be stepless adjusted from spot (16°) to wide beam (50°) by simply rotating the body of the luminaire.
The Cubie Track Light is the first LED luminaire that brought interior design and lighting together to the market. It represents a significant improvement in LED lighting technology. The innovative design shows the latest proprietary technology in the lighting field.
About Acofusion Lighting
Acofusion Lighting Co., Ltd. - 30 years’ experience in the lighting industry. Equipped with in house R&D and ID design ability. We are devoted to providing quality and creatively lighting solutions to customers. Acofusion is specialized on developing lighting solution for architecture field, retail sectors, hospitality and residential. We are contributing to become the leading brand in the LED industry. More information please visit: www.acofusion.com
About Red Dot Award
The Red Dot Design Award is an international product design、communication design and design concept prize awarded by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Essen, Germany. Every year, the Red Dot Design Award has more than 10,000 submissions from 60 countries throughout the world.